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This function creates a grid column names specified by xvars and yvars (see var_grid()). After that, it enumerates all conditions created from data in x (by calling dig()) and for each such condition and for each row of the grid of combinations, a user-defined function f is executed on each sub-data created from x by selecting all rows of x that satisfy the generated condition and by selecting the columns in the grid's row.

Function is useful for searching for patterns that are based on the relationships between pairs of columns, such as in dig_correlations().


  condition = where(is.logical),
  xvars = where(is.numeric),
  yvars = where(is.numeric),
  disjoint = var_names(colnames(x)),
  excluded = NULL,
  allow = "all",
  na_rm = FALSE,
  type = "crisp",
  min_length = 0L,
  max_length = Inf,
  min_support = 0,
  max_support = 1,
  max_results = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE,
  threads = 1L,
  error_context = list(arg_x = "x", arg_f = "f", arg_condition = "condition", arg_xvars =
    "xvars", arg_yvars = "yvars", arg_disjoint = "disjoint", arg_excluded = "excluded",
    arg_allow = "allow", arg_na_rm = "na_rm", arg_type = "type", arg_min_length =
    "min_length", arg_max_length = "max_length", arg_min_support = "min_support",
    arg_max_support = "max_support", arg_max_results = "max_results", arg_verbose =
    "verbose", arg_threads = "threads", call = current_env())



a matrix or data frame with data to search in.


the callback function to be executed for each generated condition. The arguments of the callback function differ based on the value of the type argument (see below):

  • If type = "crisp" (that is, boolean), the callback function f must accept a single argument pd of type data.frame with single (if yvars == NULL) or two (if yvars != NULL) columns, accessible as pd[[1]] and pd[[2]]. Data frame pd is a subset of the original data frame x with all rows that satisfy the generated condition. Optionally, the callback function may accept an argument nd that is a subset of the original data frame x with all rows that do not satisfy the generated condition.

  • If type = "fuzzy", the callback function f must accept an argument d of type data.frame with single (if yvars == NULL) or two (if yvars != NULL) columns, accessible as d[[1]] and d[[2]], and a numeric argument weights with the same length as the number of rows in d. The weights argument contains the truth degree of the generated condition for each row of d. The truth degree is a number in the interval \([0, 1]\) that represents the degree of satisfaction of the condition in the original data row.

In all cases, the function must return a list of scalar values, which will be converted into a single row of result of final tibble.


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns to use as condition predicates. The selected columns must be logical or numeric. If numeric, fuzzy conditions are considered.


a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns of x, whose names will be used as a domain for combinations use at the first place (xvar)


NULL or a tidyselect expression (see tidyselect syntax) specifying the columns of x, whose names will be used as a domain for combinations use at the second place (yvar)


an atomic vector of size equal to the number of columns of x that specifies the groups of predicates: if some elements of the disjoint vector are equal, then the corresponding columns of x will NOT be present together in a single condition. If x is prepared with partition(), using the var_names() function on x's column names is a convenient way to create the disjoint vector.


NULL or a list of character vectors, where each character vector contains the names of columns that must not appear together in a single condition.


a character string specifying which columns are allowed to be selected by xvars and yvars arguments. Possible values are:

  • "all" - all columns are allowed to be selected

  • "numeric" - only numeric columns are allowed to be selected


a logical value indicating whether to remove rows with missing values from sub-data before the callback function f is called


a character string specifying the type of conditions to be processed. The "crisp" type accepts only logical columns as condition predicates. The "fuzzy" type accepts both logical and numeric columns as condition predicates where numeric data are in the interval \([0, 1]\). The callback function f differs based on the value of the type argument (see the description of f above).


the minimum size (the minimum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated (must be greater or equal to 0). If 0, the empty condition is generated in the first place.


the maximum size (the maximum number of predicates) of the condition to be generated. If equal to Inf, the maximum length of conditions is limited only by the number of available predicates.


the minimum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. The support of the condition is the relative frequency of the condition in the dataset x. For logical data, it equals to the relative frequency of rows such that all condition predicates are TRUE on it. For numerical (double) input, the support is computed as the mean (over all rows) of multiplications of predicate values.


the maximum support of a condition to trigger the callback function for it. See argument min_support for details of what is the support of a condition.


the maximum number of generated conditions to execute the callback function on. If the number of found conditions exceeds max_results, the function stops generating new conditions and returns the results. To avoid long computations during the search, it is recommended to set max_results to a reasonable positive value. Setting max_results to Inf will generate all possible conditions.


a logical scalar indicating whether to print progress messages.


the number of threads to use for parallel computation.


a list of details to be used in error messages. This argument is useful when dig_grid() is called from another function to provide error messages, which refer to arguments of the calling function. The list must contain the following elements:

  • arg_x - the name of the argument x as a character string

  • arg_condition - the name of the argument condition as a character string

  • arg_xvars - the name of the argument xvars as a character string

  • arg_yvars - the name of the argument yvars as a character string

  • call - an environment in which to evaluate the error messages.


A tibble with found patterns. Each row represents a single call of the callback function f.

See also

dig(), var_grid(); see also dig_correlations() and dig_paired_baseline_contrasts(), as they are using this function internally.


Michal Burda


# *** Example of crisp (boolean) patterns:
# dichotomize iris$Species
crispIris <- partition(iris, Species)

# a simple callback function that computes mean difference of `xvar` and `yvar`
f <- function(pd) {
    list(m = mean(pd[[1]] - pd[[2]]),
         n = nrow(pd))

# call f() for each condition created from column `Species`
         condition = starts_with("Species"),
         xvars = starts_with("Sepal"),
         yvars = starts_with("Petal"),
         type = "crisp")
#> # A tibble: 16 × 7
#>    condition            support xvar         yvar       m     n condition_length
#>    <chr>                  <dbl> <chr>        <chr>  <dbl> <int>            <int>
#>  1 {}                     1     Sepal.Length Peta…  2.09    150                0
#>  2 {}                     1     Sepal.Length Peta…  4.64    150                0
#>  3 {}                     1     Sepal.Width  Peta… -0.701   150                0
#>  4 {}                     1     Sepal.Width  Peta…  1.86    150                0
#>  5 {Species=setosa}       0.333 Sepal.Length Peta…  3.54     50                1
#>  6 {Species=setosa}       0.333 Sepal.Length Peta…  4.76     50                1
#>  7 {Species=setosa}       0.333 Sepal.Width  Peta…  1.97     50                1
#>  8 {Species=setosa}       0.333 Sepal.Width  Peta…  3.18     50                1
#>  9 {Species=versicolor}   0.333 Sepal.Length Peta…  1.68     50                1
#> 10 {Species=versicolor}   0.333 Sepal.Length Peta…  4.61     50                1
#> 11 {Species=versicolor}   0.333 Sepal.Width  Peta… -1.49     50                1
#> 12 {Species=versicolor}   0.333 Sepal.Width  Peta…  1.44     50                1
#> 13 {Species=virginica}    0.333 Sepal.Length Peta…  1.04     50                1
#> 14 {Species=virginica}    0.333 Sepal.Length Peta…  4.56     50                1
#> 15 {Species=virginica}    0.333 Sepal.Width  Peta… -2.58     50                1
#> 16 {Species=virginica}    0.333 Sepal.Width  Peta…  0.948    50                1

# *** Example of fuzzy patterns:
# create fuzzy sets from Sepal columns
fuzzyIris <- partition(iris,
                       .method = "triangle",
                       .breaks = 3)

# a simple callback function that computes a weighted mean of a difference of
# `xvar` and `yvar`
f <- function(d, weights) {
    list(m = weighted.mean(d[[1]] - d[[2]], w = weights),
         w = sum(weights))

# call f() for each fuzzy condition created from column fuzzy sets whose
# names start with "Sepal"
         condition = starts_with("Sepal"),
         xvars = Petal.Length,
         yvars = Petal.Width,
         type = "fuzzy")
#> # A tibble: 16 × 7
#>    condition                   support xvar  yvar      m      w condition_length
#>    <chr>                         <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl>  <dbl>            <int>
#>  1 {}                          1       Peta… Peta…  2.56 150                   0
#>  2 {Sepal.Width=(3.2;4.4;Inf)} 0.0933  Peta… Peta…  1.62  14.0                 1
#>  3 {Sepal.Length=(6.1;7.9;Inf… 0.129   Peta… Peta…  3.76  19.3                 1
#>  4 {Sepal.Width=(-Inf;2;3.2)}  0.212   Peta… Peta…  2.96  31.8                 1
#>  5 {Sepal.Length=(-Inf;4.3;6.… 0.271   Peta… Peta…  1.59  40.7                 1
#>  6 {Sepal.Length=(4.3;6.1;7.9… 0.600   Peta… Peta…  2.74  89.9                 1
#>  7 {Sepal.Width=(2;3.2;4.4)}   0.694   Peta… Peta…  2.56 104.                  1
#>  8 {Sepal.Length=(6.1;7.9;Inf… 0.0988  Peta… Peta…  3.70  14.8                 2
#>  9 {Sepal.Length=(-Inf;4.3;6.… 0.188   Peta… Peta…  1.50  28.2                 2
#> 10 {Sepal.Length=(4.3;6.1;7.9… 0.408   Peta… Peta…  2.78  61.2                 2
#> 11 {Sepal.Length=(4.3;6.1;7.9… 0.0486  Peta… Peta…  1.47   7.30                2
#> 12 {Sepal.Length=(4.3;6.1;7.9… 0.143   Peta… Peta…  3.06  21.5                 2
#> 13 {Sepal.Length=(-Inf;4.3;6.… 0.0364  Peta… Peta…  1.22   5.45                2
#> 14 {Sepal.Length=(-Inf;4.3;6.… 0.0472  Peta… Peta…  2.23   7.08                2
#> 15 {Sepal.Length=(6.1;7.9;Inf… 0.0218  Peta… Peta…  3.87   3.26                2
#> 16 {Sepal.Length=(6.1;7.9;Inf… 0.00833 Peta… Peta…  4.22   1.25                2